
pond | Sublime Water Gardens

      Sublime Water Garden        
  Pond Calculations  
Gallons of Water in a POND
  Length Width Avg. Depth  
Basin takes up approximately
80% of the actual SQ. FT.
Gallons of Water in a STREAM
Length Width Avg. Depth  
****You need 2x the amount of
water in your basin****
Approximate Gallons of
Water in a PONDLESS ®
  Length Width Avg. Depth    
With Stone   Gal. in Basin  
With Large Matrix   Number of matrix used
    Number of matrix used = Gallons in the Basin
With Small Matrix   Number of matrix used
    Number of matrix used = Gallons in the Basin
Consumption / Conversions
  Amps Volts kw/perhour  
Monthly Cost    
Watts = volts x amps     Watts  
  Watts Volts  
Amps = watts ÷ volts     Amps  
Rock Calculation for
the POND
  Length Width  
***Using a 1:2:1 ratio***     Tons of boulders
For every (1 TON) of 6”-12”
  Lbs. of Gravel  
Get (2 TON) of 12”-18” and (1
TON) of 18”-24”
Quantity of Boulders
used in a STREAM
For Every 10’ of STREAM = (1 ½
TON) using 1:2:1 RATIO from above
Quantity of GRAVEL
Used in the STREAM
Stream Gravel = 30% total tons
of STREAM Boulders
Small MicroPond/ D.I.Y.   Length Width  
Rock Calculation for
the POND
    Lbs. of boulders
Small MicroPond / D.I.Y.  
Quantity of Boulders
used in a STREAM
For Every 10’ of STREAM = ( ½
TON) 6”-12” & ( ½ TON) 12”-18”

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